2021 Trees & Trimmings COVID-19 Safety Protocols
for All Patrons and Volunteers*
Although Trees & Trimmings Christmas Market will be held outside only again this year, we are still able to provide the high-quality products and a fun community event. * In accordance with school, state and the local COVID-19 requirements, we ask all to work together with us to create a safe environment.
Please help us keep Trees & Trimmings and our SJS community safe again this year!
To help reduce the risks associated with this outdoor event:
Practice good hygiene and wash your hands before and after the event.
Please allow space between yourself and others.
Please limit the number of people you bring to the event.
Please complete your shopping within 45 minutes so that others may be able to enter and park within the parking lot.
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM is reserved for Seniors and others at high risk only.
9:00AM -2:00PM open to all. Reservations are recommended.
We ask that if you have any of the following, please do not come or volunteer for the event:
If you are showing any symptoms or have been exposed to anyone with symptoms of COVID-19.
If you or someone you know is sick in any way.
If, after the event, you become aware that you have symptoms or have been exposed to someone with COVID-19, please contact the school immediately.
To ensure an orderly flow of traffic, reduce parking issues and the number of customers in the lot, please adhere to the following instructions regarding entering and exiting the parking lot:
Entrance is on Columbia St., off of Ledyard Street. The exit is on Ledyard and Washington St.
Please Park in the numbered spots.
No Volunteer Parking in the School lot, please.
Please do not park on Ledyard or Columbia St. while waiting to get in.
Please check in with the parking volunteer at the Columbia St. entrance.
* The safety requirements around COVID-19 are continually evolving. Please visit this site for the most up-to-date information.